The Vikings host Sprint the Pier, a Bay Area Whaleboat Rowing Association (BAWRA) race at the Berkeley Marina. Sprint the Pier includes whaleboat races, Viking games, and a barbeque.
Five boats on the zig zag course.
A young viking attacks the Vikings of Bjornstad who demonstrate how vikings fought.
Rowers compete in the caber toss.
The festivities end with the Viking toast with Aquavit
The vikings have two toasts because you cannot stand on just one leg.
The first toast is the word "Skol" rising and then decending back down:
Rising: Skol, skol,skol, skol
Descending: Skol, skol,skol, skol
Lutefisk, lutefisk
Lefse, lefse,
We are the Vikings,
Ya, sure, you betcha.